Friday, October 19, 2012

Help w/ Treble Honor Choir Auditions

Happy Friday KCDA Members!

Please see the message below regarding help with the KCDA Treble Honor Choir Auditions.

Dustin Cates
KCDA Webmaster


Good Morning!
I am sending you this request because I am a little bit desperate. Tomorrow is the date for listening to audition CDs for the Treble Honor Choir. As of right now, I only have six judges. This is going to make for a long day for all. In addition, I have been suffering with a virus and have been in the hospital once in the last two weeks. Needless to say I have not been able to recruit volunteers as needed. If any of you is available beginning at 9:00 am tomorrow to hear auditions, even for a little while, your service would be most appreciated.

Good Morning!
We will be at St. MIchael the Archangel School on 143rd and Nall Ave in Leawood, KS. The address is 14201 Nall Ave, 66223 and the following link is to a Google map for directions. If you are coming from 69 highway, take the 135th street exit, and go East on 135th street to Nall Ave. Turn South onto Nall and turn left into the last drive before the light on 143rd St. That will get you into the parking lot. Park on the west or north side of the building and come in through the west doors. I will be there at a little before 9:00 to let you in.,+Overland+Park,+KS&aq=0&oq=14201+nall+v&sll=38.498779,-98.320078&sspn=6.404195,12.908936&vpsrc=0&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=14201+Nall+Ave,+Overland+Park,+Johnson,+Kansas+66223&t=m&z=16&iwloc=A

If you have a portable CD player, please bring it with you. You might also bring a pitch pipe if you have one handy. That should be all you need!
I am happy to provide lunch. I will be ordering sandwiches and chips from Mr. Goodcents. Please reply to this email with your sandwich preference so I can call the order in tonight.

Please call or email with questions or concerns. My cell number is 785-969-4551.

Thanks for your consideration on this matter,
Christine Freeman