Just a friendly reminder that THIS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2014 is the deadline for audition submissions for the KCDA Treble Honor Choir. All tracks and student forms must be submitted at www.kansaschoral.com no later than 11:59pm.
Please carefully read the following, as the new online audition process includes some changes to past procedures. Full details (with pictures!) on how to submit an audition can be found by clicking here: Audition Submission Instructions. Please note that the tracks MUST BE NAMED in the following format for verification purposes: FirstNameLastNameSchool.
We hope you find this process user friendly, but if you should have any problems, feel free to email me at thompson.tiffani@ymail.com.
Tiffani N. Thompson
KCDA Webmaster
General Audition Info:
- All auditions must be submitted ONLINE at www.kansaschoral.com before 11:59pm on Friday, October 3, 2014. Please DO NOT mail CDs, as they will not be accepted.
- Student information will be completed as a part of the online submission process. Please DO NOT mail in the registration forms.
- Payment ($5 per student) should be postmarked to Treble Honor Choir Chair Christine Freeman by Friday, October 3, 2014.
- Auditions submitted to both the KCDA Statewide Treble Honor Choir and KMEA Middle Level Honor Choir will be disqualified.
Notes about the online submission process:
- Go to www.kansaschoral.com and click the Treble Honor Choir icon. From the Treble Honor Choir page, click "Submit a Treble Honor Choir Audition" to submit a student's audition track.
- All submitted tracks should be one of the following file types: .aac, .aif, .mp3, .m4a, .wav
- Audition tracks MUST BE NAMED in the following format: StudentFirstNameStudentLastNameSchool (ex: AmeliaSmithCentralMS)
- The student's name on the uploaded track and the student's information on the same page MUST MATCH. Auditions that do not match are subject to disqualification.
- After you submit the audition, a confirmation page will appear on your screen if the form and track have been accepted. This is the only confirmation you will receive, so please wait for it.
- Please DO NOT submit duplicate tracks for each student. Only the earliest submission will be accepted.
Helpful Links:
View information about the choir here: Treble Honor Choir
Audition specifics here: Audition Guidelines
Submit a track by clicking here: KCDA Treble Honor Choir Audition Submission
Help yourself - complete details on how to submit an audition track: HERE